Cooking fish skin on is a classic way to prepare fillets, but it also makes a beautiful presentation for the finished plate, too.

Basic Technique for Cooking Skin-On Fish Fillets

    1. Scale fresh fish and cut into fillets, leaving the skin on and removing any pin bones.
    2. Score the skin to prevent curling. Use very shallow cuts, no greater than 1/4 inch depth. Doing them in a criss-cross pattern makes for a nice presentation.
    3. Heat up a seasoned cast iron pan or heavy non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat.
    4. Add only enough oil to coat the bottom.
    5. Season fish with salt and pepper.
    6. Lay fish, using tongs, skin side down in the hot pan.
    7. Cook undisturbed for a few minutes to develop an evenly browned crust, then flip over and finished cooking.

To ensure crispy skin, the fish must stay in contact with the pan. Immediately after placing the fish in the pan, use a fish spatula or a small spatula and push down on the fish to ensure the skin is touching the pan. This should only be for a few seconds but if you see the fish begin to curl up, use the spatula to press it back down until it is set.