Crudo plates are popping up in restaurants lately, and you might think crudo and sashimi are interchangeable, after all they both have raw fish. Although crudo and sashimi both call for raw foods, one is all about the raw fish exclusively (sashimi), and the other utilizes ingredients to highlight the raw seafood (crudo). Here are some highlights of the differences between the two.

Sashimi is a Japanese dish consisting of raw fish (or meat) that is thinly sliced and typically served with soy sauce, wasabi, daikon radish, and / or pickled ginger. The emphasis is on the fish and how it is sliced, and what it is served with is secondary.

Crudo is an Italian or Spanish dish consisting of raw foods, too, but the emphasis is not solely on the raw meat or fish. The accompaniments on the plate to enhance the dish and play a big part in presentation. Crudo means ‘raw’ in Italian and in Spanish. Popular dressings for the dish will include a drizzle of olive oil or other flavorful oil, a squeeze of fresh citrus or other acid, and fresh herbs or seasonings.