The Spinning Reel

The spinning reel is one of the most popular reels used for both freshwater and saltwater fishing. It was originally created for artificial lures and lighter tackle. It is a great trolling and casting reel.

A spinning reel is a fixed spool reel, and the line is retrieved by a device called a bale. As you rotate the handle, the bale spins around the fixed spool thus pulling the line through the eyes of the rod.


John Shelton. John’s motto is ‘release it unharmed or do it justice on the plate.’ Executive Chef by trade, fisherman every other minute, he photographs ocean marine life when he fishes,&nbsp;and creates masterpieces in the kitchen with what he keeps on deck. When he’s not fishing,&nbsp;he’s&nbsp;<a href=””>making&nbsp;great BBQ</a>.&nbsp;
Renee Shelton.&nbsp;Her favorite fishing trips are those when the dolphins come out to say hi.&nbsp;She grew up a freshwater fishing girl and married an offshore&nbsp;fishing guy.&nbsp;When she’s not&nbsp;writing about fish and testing recipes, she’s in the <a href=””><span style=”color: rgb(46, 163, 242);”>bakeshop talking about pastry</span></a> and all that.